Atlantis Airport

Sone (vocals)

Sone (vocals)

Yoden (keyboards)

Yoden (keyboards)

Bono (bass)

Bono (bass)

Abe (drums)

Abe (drums)

support guitar = Jun (from Marmalade Butchers)

official homepage



Atlantis is a mythical ancient civilization and airports connote technological advancement—so the name Atlantis Airport suits the band's combination of old-school pop with a much more progressive flavour. Although the music has an overtly mainstream pop quality it has enough moments of "math" and "prog" to please fans of similar bands such as Clammbon, Haisuinonasa, School Food Punishment and Uchu Conbini. Atlantis Airport's solid live performance is centred around lead singer Sone who will charm the pants off you with her heartfelt stage and vocal dynamics.